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Un nouveau kickstarter de CoolMiniOrNot, j'aodre ces campagnes là car elle sont super le fun, plein de emails qui ajoutent de plus en plus de stretch goal. Le jeux a l'air super simple, pas mal un "light game" de dés ou tu explore et tue des monstres. De plus avec les stretch goals, il y à déjà quelques figurines exclusives.


65$ US


et un lien vers la version "draft" des règles :




Masmorra is the dungeon underneath the great city of Arcadia, which was used as a testing ground for prospective Guild Heroes. But since the warlock Malaphyas took it over, filling it with his monstrous minions, it's become a real challenge, beckoning the Heroes to brave its treacherous corridors in search of fame and fortune!

Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia is set in the Arcadia Quest universe, but is in fact a completely new and different game. In it, 2 to 5 players each control a single Hero, competing against all other Heroes. They must explore the rooms of the dungeon, defeating monsters, evading traps, and collecting gold in order to be the first to reach the highest experience level.

As the Heroes go exploring, the dungeon is revealed room by room, creating a different layout each time you play. Whenever a Hero moves into an unexplored section, they draw a new dungeon tile, adding a new feature to the dungeon. Dungeon tiles contain all sorts of suprises, such as monster spawns, gold stashes, deadly traps, healing fountains, dangerous chasms, teleportation gates, and even huge rooms filled with both terrifying foes and mesmerizing treasure! When stairs are found, the Heroes can go even deeper into the dungeon, accessing a different set of even more challenging and rewarding dungeon tiles.

Most of the monsters you will encounter in Masmorra are presented as special dice. Many of the dungeon tiles you explore will cause one of these dice to be rolled and placed on the tile, representing a random monster spawn. There are two types of dice: one with normal monsters and another with more dangerous foes that will only appear in the second level of the dungeon. These beautiful dice have full-color illustrations of the monsters tempo-printed onto the dice surface. This process creates incredibly durable dice that will not fade with the normal wear and tear of constant gaming! Each face of the dice shows a different monster, with its attack, defense, and XP value.

At the start of each Hero's turn, they roll 6 Action Dice that will guide their actions that turn. After one optional reroll, the Hero needs to employ the results obtained to the best of their abilities to brave the dungeon. Melee is used to attack monsters; Ranged may knock them out before they can even fight back; Defense can block their attacks; Steps help you move quickly through the corridors; Elixir can heal you; and you can use Magic to change any other result to what you really need. The results can often be employed in many other ways, though, such as special attacks against the undead, disarming traps, opening treasure chests, etc. It's all about finding the best way to make the Action Dice work to your advantage!

Each of the Heroes braving the Masmorra has their own unique starting ability, which they can use to perform special feats, or change Action Dice results in their own way. But more than that, each Hero has four other unique abilities they are able to unlock whenever they level up. Each time a Hero gains enough XP, he chooses which of their ability cards to upgrade in order to unlock a new ability. That means the same Hero can evolve in different ways each game, offering different options to the player. Unlocked abilities present several different ways in which Action Dice results and gold coins can be used to trigger all sorts of special effects!

While Heroes don't directly fight each other inside the Masmorra (the Guild Code is oddly strict about that), they still have many tricks up their sleeves to hurt their opponents. At the end of their turn, each player gets to control the Monsters a little bit, possibly throwing them on top of the other Heroes (just be careful you're not just helping them kill more foes more quickly). But most of all, the Treasure cards Heroes are able to gather can either be used to help themselves, or to hinder others in a myriad of colorful ways. There is no player elimination inMasmorra, but getting killed can set you back quite a bit with some XP and Treasure loss.



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C'est pas gentil de montrer ça... Ça donne le goût. Mais c'est quand même 100$+ cdn

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Juste pour vous laisser savoir, à cause que le jeu est compatible avec Arcadia Quest, ils ont ouvert le pledge manager pour arcadia quest : inferno. Tant qu'à avoir du arcadia, aussi bien avoir deux jeux qui peuvent interagir entre eux.

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Arretez de commenter ce sujet, à chaque fois je le vois remonter et il me tente ;)

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J'suis pas tres à l'aise avec les Kickstarter et j'avais une question juste pour etre certain,


En gros pour celui-ci, si on prend le pledge a 65$ US + shipping, on obtient non seulement ce qui est a droite, mais aussi tous les "stretch goals" qui sont en mauve plus bas dans la page ? Et ces heros/monsters supplementaires sont compatibles avec le core game d'Arcadia quest (figurine, carte de stats) ?


Si oui, c'est quand meme tres tentant en tant que nouvel accro a AQ :)

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Oui les seuls composantes que tu autres pas ces les extras. Exemple tu vas avoir les coffres en plastique du strech goal mais ceux en extra sont payant

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J'suis pas tres à l'aise avec les Kickstarter et j'avais une question juste pour etre certain,


En gros pour celui-ci, si on prend le pledge a 65$ US + shipping, on obtient non seulement ce qui est a droite, mais aussi tous les "stretch goals" qui sont en mauve plus bas dans la page ? Et ces heros/monsters supplementaires sont compatibles avec le core game d'Arcadia quest (figurine, carte de stats) ?


Si oui, c'est quand meme tres tentant en tant que nouvel accro a AQ :)


Oui, tout les personnage de Masmorra vont avoir une carte pour jouer dans Arcadia Quest


et pour 65$ tu reçois sa



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Merci des infos !


Ca vaut donc vraiment la peine, quelqu'un sait a combien le shipping s'eleverait approximativement ici au Canada ? Ca peut etre assez ridicule parfois ..

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Je viens de payer le shipping pour Arcadia Quest Inferno qui viens avec 3 boites de stretch goals et ça m’a couté environs 15$ US, donc je m'attends que celui coute environs la même chose.


Si le dollar Canadien était meilleur, je sauterais sur ce jeu, mais après Inferno, je ne pense pas le backer. Mais c’est tentant… et j’aime tellement le Kraft Dinner… ;)

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Ça semble avoir du bon sens :) Dommage que j'ai manqué Inferno ..


Dernière petite question, est-ce possible que plusieurs personnes par exemple ici, prennent plusieurs pledge sur le même account... ce qui ferait qu'on sauverait du shipping ?


Si oui je risque fort probablement de pledger si ça l'intéresse quelqu'un :)

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Je pense pas que tu fasses de grosses économies sur le shipping...

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