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Endangered orphans

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  • 2 weeks later...

De ce que je comprend, pour 55$ tu as la version anglais plus tous les strech goal




La version Français plus tout les strech goal (seulement les cartes seront traduit) + les 3 boosters que je présume en Français.


Mais je vais poser la question!

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J'ai posé la question:


Hi there
I am a lonely orphan who barely read... I do not understand what I will get with the “do you speak orphan?” Since I did not know my parents, i do not speak orphan yet... maybe that is why I don’t understand...
Do I get the following?
A complete English game plus all stretch goal
Plus: a copy of all card translated in French + the 3 boosters in French?
Will I get 2 boxes?
Please help me understand and let me know if I have to steal 30$ more from my neighbour..



La réponse:


You are right on everything but the box. The translated cards will be separate, and you can replace the English version in the box.
Does this answer your question?


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