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KS - SUPERHOT The Card Game

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Part strategy, part shooter, and undeniably stylish, SUPERHOT is the bestselling independent FPS (First-person Shooter) in which time moves only when you move. After its Steam, Xbox One and VR releases, SUPERHOT is taking its unique game mechanics to the world of tabletop games. SUPERHOT THE CARD GAME was designed with love of the source material, and with meticulous attention to all the details that make SUPERHOT so amazing. The game will be produced in Poland using the highest quality materials, with assistance from our tried and true production partners.

The mechanics of this card game are based on a well-known and award-winning Print and Play game “Agent Decker”, also created by Manuel Correia.


An ultra-portable deck of just 75 cards will be all you need to transport yourself and your friends into the visually stunning, beautifully brutal world of SUPERHOT.


Hand-crafted, micro-deckbuilding mechanics will immerse you in the ever-changing, visceral, and iconic fight sequences of SUPERHOT. Every turn and every move is an intense snapshot of lethal combat frozen in motion. Your decisions and your execution dictate the pace of the game. Daredevil maneuvers and risk-taking can reward you greatly or exact harsh punishment.

Every card you play advances the timeline. You shoot a guy’s head off. Enemies pour into the room. A shower of bullets fills the air. The clock is ticking.



What makes a good FPS? Well, we think it's the dynamic gameplay that constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat with all of its sudden twists and turns. We think that SUPERHOT The Card Game has it all, and we think to truly understand the gameplay, you need to see it in action. Here's a quick video to give you a preview of some of SUPERHOT The Card Game's mechanics.



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Je connaissais pas Agent Decker, la mécanique a l'air "super hot" :)


Vais essayer ça sur Tabletopia, finalement ce sera peut-être le KS que je vais backer pour ce début d'année!

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Pour votre info selon mes calculs rapides


Pledge Katana (une copie): 15$ + 7,50$ Shipping = 22,50$ USD = 29,30$ CAD

Pledge SUPERHOT bag with guns (6 copies pour un groupe): 81$ + 34$ Shipping = 115$ USD = 149,77$ CAD --> 24,86$ CAD Par copie


Ce n'est pas une très grande différence selon moi.

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Effectivement. Je le back tout seul car il a l'air intéressant.


J'hésite encore, mais je crois que je vais le backer! Tous les stretch goals sont atteints maintenant. Il y aura le game mat version papier d'inclus également.

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