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V-Commandos: jetons «Civil»... Rien dans les règles...

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J'ai cherché en vain quelque information sur les jetons «civil» qui se trouvent dans l'extension «Résistance». J'ai pioché la carte «Sauver Jacques» comme carte événement, et j'étais très embêté...


Quelqu'un sait comment on joue ces civils? Ils bougent par eux-mêmes? Se font-ils attaquer par les Allemands?


Bref, je suis dans le néant TOTAL.


C'est bizarre que les règles n'en fasse AUCUNE mention...


J'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider!



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c'a fait parti d'une des missions de libèrer 2 civiles!


p.21 des règles ....escorter un personnage...Sometimes, the objective of a terrain card requires escorting a character. In that case, the token of the character to be used is printed on the terrain card. As soon as a commando reaches the objective token, replace this token by the token of the character to be escorted on its stealthy side, except if he is located on a large tile (in this case, he is visible). The escorted character token to be used is printed on the terrain card.


The objective of the City terrain card is to escort a character. The card also indicates the token to use to replace the objective token on this terrain.

Commandos managed to establish radio communication to call for an air strike. Use a bombardment token to target 1 outdoor tile of any terrain in play. Roll the number of dice indicated on the bombardment token and consult the targeted hit number of the tile to determine the number of hits to be applied (as for shooting). Special rule: a bombardment may hit any visible character located on targeted tile. If hits remain to be distributed after having eliminated all enemy units, they must be distributed among the visible characters remaining on the tile. A stealthy commando is taking cover: he is protected. BOMBARDMENT

After eliminating an enemy unit stealthily on their tiles or adjacent ones, the commando becomes visible if the enemy is replaced by a spotted token AND at least another enemy unit is present on the targeted tile. The enemy unit sees a comrade fall and spots the commando. Note: if no other enemy unit remains on the tile with the spotted token, the commando remains stealthy. In either case, there is nothing to loot and this token is discarded. SPOTTED

Use a TNT charge token to place it (red side) on the tile where the commando is located on. Then a player decides when to perform the action blowing up a TNT charge placed red side on this terrain. A TNT charge that blows up automatically eliminates the objectives, characters and equipment tokens on the targeted tile (remove them). Trap doors and triangular tokens stay in place. Characters eliminated this way do not drop equipment tokens. Only a powerful explosive ( symbol), such as a TNT charge token, may destroy an objective.

Sometimes, the objective of a terrain card requires escorting a character. In that case, the token of the character to be used is printed on the terrain card. As soon as a commando reaches the objective token, replace this token by the token of the character to be escorted on its stealthy side, except if he is located on a large tile (in this case, he is visible). The escorted character token to be used is printed on the terrain card.


Objective to be destroyed and TNT charge placed on the red side.

H ESCORTing a character H

A character to be escorted: - Occupies one space on the tile (there must be one free space

on the tile to replace the objective token with the escorted

character token). - Does not have any action points. - May follow a commando located on the same tile when this

commando performs one of the following actions: Moving, Moving stealthily onto a medium tile, Exiting through a trap door.

- Is eliminated at first hit; There are 3 types of escorted character tokens


Stealthy / stealthy: always stealthy, the character is ignored by the enemy units.

Stealthy / visible: can choose between being stealthy or visible (all commandos stealth rules apply).

Visible / visible: always visible, the enemy units move towards this character and try to eliminate him like a visible commando.


An enemy escorted character, like the German Admiral, does not require a commando entering his tile to perform any stealth check.

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si je me rappelle bien ca te prend l'extenssion pour jouer avec c'est composante.



Je possède cette extension, mais il n'y a rien dedans qui explique comment les jouer!! :(

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La carte dit textuellement:

«Sauvez Jacques»

Ajouter 1 pion civil visible sur une tuile moyenne (ceci n'active pas l'alarme). S'il reste en vie à la fin de ce tour, la Résistance pose 2 charges de TNT (côté rouge) sur 2 petites tuiles.

Or, je fais quoi avec ça? Comment le civil ne peut plus être en vie à la fin du tour? Et qui est la Résistance? On dirait un mélange de «flavor text» et d'instructions... Comment jouez-vous cette carte?

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