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Caverna - Les Peuples Oubliés

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Caverna est un jeu que j'aime beaucoup, mais ce qu'il lui manque, selon moi, c'est une façon de faire différencier les parties les unes des autres: des cartes, des bâtiments qui ne sont pas là à chaque parties, quelque chose pour te forcer à adapter ta stratégie.

(pas capable de mettre la photo pour une raison que j'ignore)

Et une extension, nommée Vergessene Völker (les Peuples Oubliées, selon Google), vient d'être prise en photo à la foire du jeu de Nuremberg. C'est une extension dans laquelle, plutôt que les nains du jeu de base, on peut jouer l'une de 15 races, chacune avec un petit set de règles différentes.

Un aperçu rapide de ces races, copié de BGG donc en anglais:

Pack 1:

Hill Dwarves - The default Caverna race, no special rules.
Hobbits - Hobbits are exceptional farmers, but also exceptionally hungry.
Trolls - Trolls are dumb but powerful, able to go on adventures with nothing more than a big club but never able to become very sophisticated in their adventuring. They are very hungry but are easily sated by eating whole animals - even dogs!
Kobolds - The tiny cousins of dragons, kobolds are obsessed with treasure but also unfortunately incompetent!
Mountain Dwarves - These cousins of the Hill Dwarves prefer to delve deep underground, rather than spending time on the surface.
Humans - By contrast to the Mountain Dwarves, humans are experts at exploiting the lands around their caves, but find it hard to dig far underground.

Pack 2:

Elves - Elves are masters of the forest, able to grow crops and raise animals among the trees, and even build rooms in treehouses. Most importantly of all, they can grow their own magical crops.
Dark Elves - Dark Elves are slavers. As an alternative to family growth, they can choose to capture goblin slaves to add to their workforce. Unfortunately the goblins are rather incompetent.
Goblins - Incredibly numerous but incredibly bungling, the goblins are a very fun race to play.
Pale Ones - Pale Ones are humans who have lived underground for many generations. They are masters of mushroom farming, and if necessary can grow all the food they need in their endless caverns.
Silicoids - Mysterious creatures formed from rock, the silicoids can subsist by eating only stones.
Gnomes - The gnomes are crackpot inventors who can build clockwork machines to help them. At their best the machines can be phenomenally useful, at the worst they are an expensive sink of time and resources.

Pack 3:

Orcs - Orc adventurers obtain their resources (building materials, crops and animals) not from their environment but by stealing them from other players - unless the defenders keep them at bay with superior weapons or by hiding their valuables underground!
Gnolls - Gnolls struggle to capture animals from the wild, but excel at rustling them from other players. However their rustling efforts are foiled by stables, so other players will have to be careful to keep their animals safe.
Unseelie Fae - These mischievous faeries use their trickster magic to swap building materials, crops or animals with those of other players.

Si vous suivez ce lien, vous pouvez télécharger les explications des pouvoirs de chaque race (du moins, leur version test).




Je suis la progression de cette extension depuis qu'Alex en parle, et j'ai incroyablement hâte de l'essayer!

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Oui Lookout Spiel semble avoir plusieurs plans pour 2018 (selon Brettspielbox):


Lookout has some plans for 2018:
Agricola - Bubulus Deck
Agricola the moor farmers
Barenpark extension
Caverna Extension: Forgotten Peoples
Caverna Cave vs. Cave extension Ara II
Isle of Skye 2nd expansion
Gingerbread House (new game Phil Walker Harding)
Nusfjord extension: Plaice deck
Patchwork Express
Patchwork Extreme
Birdie (ala Songbirds)




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