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Le Homesteader nouveau est arrivé!

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Il y a 7 heures, rainmight a dit :

Je vais attendre le retail de celui-ci dans mon cas. C'est pas rempli d'exclusivités comme d'autres TMG alors ça n'a pas triggered mon "FOMO" :P

Ils ont aussi précisé que cette fois c'était pas limité.  C'est la même version qui va au retail !

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  • 2 weeks later...

First, Homesteaders, as it was originally produced, was already filled with a lot of top notch components, with many different wooden bits including awesome wooden apples, cows, and gold coins."Deluxe-ing" these components, short of sending actual animals, fruit, and 24k gold, would prove to be a problem, logistically and from a price standpoint.

Secondly, TMG is reprinting Homesteaders to celebrate it as the highly rated and well received design that it is, but also as one of the two titles that launched the company.A company that has published dozens of titles enjoyed the world over. In the end, we decided that it was best that the 10th Anniversary Edition should not be a limited release only offered through Kickstarter.

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