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Dragon d'Or R4D2 Architects of the West Kingdoms (85) vs Azul : Stained Glass of Sintra (293)

Adam d'Ynris

Architects of the West Kingdoms (85) vs Azul : Stained Glass of Sintra (293)  

57 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Architects of the West Kingdoms (85) vs Azul : Stained Glass of Sintra (293)

    • Architects of the West Kingdoms (85)
    • Azul : Stained Glass of Sintra (293)

Messages recommandés

Architects of the West Kingdoms (85) vs Azul : Stained Glass of Sintra (293)


Architects of the West Kingdoms (85)

32-5 vs SpaceCorp

24-7 vs The City of KIngs

25-12 vs Vindication


Azul : Stained Glass of Sintra (293)


17-14 vs Shards of Infinity

21-19 vs Newton

21-18 vs Lord of Hellas


Terminé gagnant Architects of the West Kingdoms 36-17

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