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Le premier joueur. Devine de quel jeu est-il question.


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Tawny est un gars qui aime le Japon  (et sans doute aussi le Porto). Alors un premier joueur en lien avec ce pays:  



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Edit: je devrais dire Yedo Deluxe car ce n'était pas la même règle dans la version régulière

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il y a 11 minutes, Tawny a dit :

Exact - à toi!

Choose a player to go first. Either choose the player who can trace their family history back the farthest, or select at random. Give the chosen player the first player marker. 

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Il y a 3 heures, bouchard4 a dit :

Choose a player to go first. Either choose the player who can trace their family history back the farthest, or select at random. Give the chosen player the first player marker. 

Through the Ages 

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Il y a 3 heures, bouchard4 a dit :

Choose a player to go first. Either choose the player who can trace their family history back the farthest, or select at random. Give the chosen player the first player marker. 


Dynasties: Heirate & Hersh

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