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Bruxelles 1893 Belle Epoque

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Nouvelle édition de ce jeu, qui comprendra une nouvelle extension à même la boîte. Campagne KS quelque part en 2022. L'auteur a récupéré les droits sur son jeu mais pas sur l'artwork. Donc, tout le visuel a été refait, ce qui veut dire pas d'extension compatible avec l'édition originale.


I won't go into details but you may already know that the expansion contains:
- Two new notables
- A new Majority system, based on rows, which works quite differently from that of columns
- A new material, the glass, which will be included in the basic game but will also be used to build particular buildings in the expansion
- End-game Objective tiles, to develop different strategies.

The basic game is identical to the original game, with two exceptions: I replaced the 5 Counter-tiles with another system and, now, when you create an artwork, you no longer take it at random but you may choose the color of the artwork. I wanted to change that because taking an artwork was the only “random action” in the game. And Brussels is a game with no random. 😉

There also will be a solo mode and the the individual boards will have an asymmetric b-side.

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