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MTL - Pathfinder The Adventure Card Game (Rise of the Runelords - Full

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Pathfinder the Adventure card game : Rise of the Runelords (full set, adventure et add-on decks): VENDU



- Rise of the Runelords - Base set
- Rise of the Runelords - Character Add-On deck
- Rise of the Runelords - 1 Burnt Offerings
- Rise of the Runelords - 2 The Skinsaw Murders
- Rise of the Runelords - 3 The Hook Mountain Massacre
- Rise of the Runelords - 4 Fortress of the Stone Giants
- Rise of the Runelords - 5 Sins of the Saviors
- Rise of the Runelords - 6 Spires of Xin-Shalast
- Rise of the Runelords – "Poog of Zarongel" Promo Card et quelques autres cartes promos que je ne me souviens pas (désolé...)


Assez de cartes pour s'impliquer sérieusement et un bon 100h de jeu! (si pas davantage!)



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