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À la carte (eng) 35$

A game of thrones LCG 2nd edition (eng) inclus :2 X base set + 1/2 base set + Taking the Black (2015) + The Road to Winterfell (2015) + The King's Peace (2016) + No Middle Ground (2016)+ Wolves of the North (2016) + Calm over Westeros (2016) + True Steel (2016) + Across the Seven Kingdoms (2016) + Called to Arms (2016) + Playmat: The Tourney Begins + Playmat: LCG 2016 Store Championship Playmat + 3 promos tournament cards – 300$ nég.

Arcana (eng) 15$

Battleline (Eng) 20$

Bootleggers (eng) 30$

Carcassonne Big Box 4 (eng) 160$ (rare out of print)

Destination trésor (VF) 15$

Dungeon petz (eng) inclus: exp: Dark Alleys (2013) promo: Bonus Pets (2012) Bob the Blob Promo Pet (2013) DUNGEON LORDS IMP STICKERS 80$

Fauna dans l’emballage (VF) 35$

Goa dans l’emballage (VF)

Hockey Les Boys (VF) 5$

Hyperborea dans l’emballage (VF) 80$

King of Tokyo incluant: sleeves + exp : Power Up! (2012) + exp : King of Tokyo: Halloween (2013) + Promo Cards (2011) (rare) (eng) 80$

La cigale et la fourmi (VF) 15$

Lancaster incluant Exp: Lancaster: Henry V – The Power of the King (2012) + Exp: The New Laws (2011) + promo: Reward Tiles (2012) 60$

Les fils de Samarande (VF) 15$

L’osti d’jeu inclus : exp Rural (2015) + exp Souvenir (2016) + exp Denis Drolet (2017) (VF) 50$

Ora & Labora dans l’emballage (VF) (rare out of print) 75$

Steam & Steam barons (eng): 80$

The heavens of Olympus (eng) 15$

The Manhattan Project dans l’emballage (VF) : 50$

Through the Ages – l’histoire vous appartient 2eme edition (VF) 80$

Vilainous Vikings (eng): 30$



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