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Twilight Struggle : le jeu d'ordinateur

le fresh maker

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J'imagine (et j'espère) qu'il y aura différents niveaux de difficultés...


Mais j'ai bien hâte de voir le prix. J'espère que ce sera pas trop cher, sinon, j'aurais l'impression de payer le jeu deux fois. Peut-être que ceux qui ont déjà la version plateau pourraient avoir un rabais...

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  • 3 months later...

Ça s'en vient!


Twilight Struggle (PC): We are very close - just a week or two - to adding this game to our P500 list. We're waiting on some screenshots to give you guys a sense of the updates made since we released the demo a few months back. For those of you who haven't seen it, here's a link:


Twilight Struggle PC Demo


Note that this game is playable BOTH against an AI and in real time over the internet. It's not just a solo computer game.


We have a new section of our website dedicated to Digital Editions of our games. Check it out at your leisure for more information on what will be included on that page. In a week or two, we should have the TS PC game ready to post there as a P500 item.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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