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Ground Floor

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Comme cadeau invite la à passer la plus belle demi-semaine de sa vie :D


Dans une jolie auberge près d'un lac avec des animaux sauvage proche (il y a des loups-garous dans le coin)

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Project Update #30: SHIPPING UPDATE: International Orders with PSI. Amazon "Planning"

Posted by Michael Mindes

know that there are many people reporting that they have received their
copies of Ground Floor and/or Kings of Air and Steam. Some are
wondering where their package might be. Here is an update of the facts:

  • International (non-USA) shipments are with PSI. They are working
    through these currently and they will keep me updated as to the outbound
    status. These will go by USPS priority mail. You should receive
    tracking numbers when these ship out, but the USPS system is sometimes
    finicky when it comes to performing on this. Once all of the shipments
    have been sent, I will provide numbers directly to those that ask.
  • Amazon shipments as "complete". Congratulations, you have had your
    copy shipped, may have received it, and might have already played the
    game. Amazon has been automatically providing the tracking numbers.
  • Amazon shipments as "planning". I am showing 551 packages in the
    planning stages from Amazon. I don't know what this means exactly, and I
    hypothesize that the reason these have not gone out is because of some
    warehouse transfers which were done. When these go out, you should get a
    tracking number.
Two Games, One Package.

If you ordered BOTH Ground Floor and Kings of Air and Steam, then you
are being shipped only one package. It will contain both games, so
please do not expect multiple shipping notifications and tracking

Missing Information & Payments

Some backers had missing information or shipping premium payments. I
am aggregating all of this data from multiple sources and should be
contacting you to remedy this later in this week.

Skyline Is "Inside"

Some people have gotten a GIANT Ground Floor box, and wondered, "Hey!
Where is Skyline?" The answer is that it is inside the box. It is a
box within a box.

When opening, please do not smash it with a hammer.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Si jamais y'a eu un désistement, je serais preneur... on sais jamais...

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