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King of the Air

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Mais bon UPS= frais supplémentaires. À vu de nez cela va être 65-70$ (soit 15%+35-40$ de frais) :loppet


Orders Inside The USA


All orders within the United States are being shipped out by Amazon with their FBA service. They have received the inventory, and I have uploaded fulfillment spreadsheets for all of these orders. This means that they should:

  • All ship out from Amazon shortly via UPS.
  • All should automatically receive tracking numbers.

Orders Outside The USA


The fulfillment lists for your orders will be provided to PSI later today. I just need to further organize them verify shipping premium payments and forward them. The game should therefore be able to begin shipping to you early next week.

Still To Do


If there is something missing to ship your order OR you failed to pay a shipping premium then I should be emailing you today. Cheers, Michael

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