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Deck of Thieves (kickstarter)

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Hey Backers!


I'll be in touch with the printer (by PHONE) tomorrow to get a semi-firm timeline update to report to you all! Last week all was well and we are for sure on target, but things do move around a bit, so I want the most RECENT news to give to you. We're almost there!


Surveys will go out soon to gather you CURRENT shipping ADDRESS.




Please carefully type in your address so we don't play Mail-Tag for weeks with your game.




Those of you who ordered a copy of DIG: The Card Game will have a chance to indicate so on your Survey, as well, to help me remember to include that in your package. DIG is all sold out for now, so sorry to you others who missed it this time!


Those of you with any one-off circumstances will have a chance to work those out, too!




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