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A Game of Throne LCG (LOT)

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Je vends ma collection de AGOT LCG.

Je demande 450$ pour le lot.


A Game of thrones LCG - Core set

A Game of thrones LCG - Core set (2e exemplaire)

A Game of thrones LCG - Core set (3e exemplaire)

A Game of thrones LCG - Kings of the sea

A Game of thrones LCG - Kings of the storm

A Game of thrones LCG - Lions of the rock

A Game of thrones LCG - Lords of winter

A Game of thrones LCG - Princes of the Sun

A Game of thrones LCG - Queen of dragons

A Game of thrones LCG - Wolves of the North

A Game of thrones LCG - The tower of the Hand

A Game of thrones LCG - Refugees of War

A Game of thrones LCG - Return of the Others

A Game of thrones LCG - Tales from the Red Keep

A Game of thrones LCG - A Sword in the Darkness

A Game of thrones LCG - Gates of the Citadel

A Game of thrones LCG - Called by the Conclave

A Game of thrones LCG - Here to serve

A Game of thrones LCG - The Isle of the Ravens

A Game of thrones LCG - Mask of the Archmaster

A Game of thrones LCG - Forging the Chain

A Game of thrones LCG - A Hidden Agenda

A Game of thrones LCG - Valar Dohaeris

A Game of thrones LCG - A Harsh Mistress

A Game of thrones LCG - Chasing the Dragons

A Game of thrones LCG - A Roll of the Dice


+ plusieurs cartes d'extra pour les Stark et les Greyjoy.

+ quelques promos et cartes du CCG compatibles (Nightmare, Valar Morghulis, etc.)

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