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Vente à Brossard (à côté du Mail Champlain)

Messages recommandés

Jeux à vendre:


30$ - 1989: Dawn of Freedom (Ang, Very good condition)

10$ - Acquire (Avalon Hill 2008, Ang, Very good)

30$ - At the Gates of Loyeung (Ang, Like new)

10$ - Aton (ML, Good (light board warping))

15$ - Carcassonne (Ang, Very good)

10$ - Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals (Ang, Like new)

10$ - Carcassonne Traders & Builders (Ang, Like new)

45$ - Clans (ML, Very good)

40$ - Condottiere (Euro games, ML, Very good)

75$ - Dark Darker Darkest (avec ajout de KS, Ang, New)

05$ - Day of the Dead (Ang, Very good)

10$ - Eminent Domain (inclu Bonus Planets, Ang, Boite endommagé et cartes visiblement usagées )

15$ - Eminent Domain Escalation (Ang, Like New)

15$ - Erosion (Ang, Very good)

20$ - Germain Railways (ML, New)

10$ - GIPF (ML, Good)

15$ - Guatemala Cafe (Ang, Very good)

10$ - Infiltration (Ang, Very good)

05$ - JAB Realtime Boxing (Ang, Very good)

30$ - Key Harvest (Ang, Like new)

10$ - Lord of the Rings The Confrontation (Ang, Good)

40$ - Mage Wars (First edition avec deux livres et set de pions d'extra, spell tome 2, Ang, Very good)

10$ - Mage Wars Conquest of Kumanjaro (Ang, Very Good, mais boite endommagé)

10$ - Mage Wars Forcemaster vs. Warlord (Ang, Very good, sauf une carte endommagé)

10$ - Mégawatts Elektro Manager (Fra, Very good)

30$ - National Geographic Expedition (Fra, Good)

10$ - On the Cards (Ang, Very good)

20$ - Power Grid (Ang, Very good)

30$ - Primordial Soup (Z-Man, Ang, Good)

05$ - The Princes of Florence The Muse and the Princess (Ang, Like new)

45$ - Reef Encounter (Ang, Good)

25$ - Reef Encounter of the Second Kind (Ang, New)

25$ - Shadowfist Battle in Kownloon plus premiere extension (Ang, Like new)

05$ - Skittykitts (Ang, Very good)

05$ - Small World Tunnels (Very good)

25$ - Star Trek Expeditions (Ang, New)

10$ - String Railway (Ang Fra, Very good)

10$ - Tasso vert (Very good)

05$ - Terra (ML, Very good)

05$ - Train of Thought (Ang, Like new)

50$ - Tribune Primus Inter Pares plus extension dans la même boite (Ang, Very good)

10$ - Uchronia (Ang, very good but warped boards)

20$ - Vanished Planet (Ang, very good)

10$ - Witch's Brew 6th player, Amulets, Magical Abilities (Ang, Like new)



Jeux à donner avec autre achat:


Bonobo Beach

CO2 The Arctic Expansion


Fortress America (GM edition, manque certain morceaux)


In a Pickle

Labyrinth the card game


Mystick Companion

Oh No... Invasion!

Plato 3000

Take It!


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