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Jt's Vendredi 10 Oct 2008


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Invité Denis

Comme nous sommes toujours une bonne gang, ça serait intéressant d'essayer des jeux qui ne sortent pas souvent lorsque le groupe est plus petit, donc des jeux à 6 ou 7 joueurs tel CITADELS (7), CONDOTTIERE (6) et BOHNANZA (7), pour en nommer que trois.


Ou si vous préférez les jeux plus long, il y a toujours SUPREMACY, GAME OF THRONES ou TWILIGHT IMPERIUM III entre autres.


Ceci dit, je vais probablement me joindre à vous pour une partie de SHADOWS OVER CAMELOT, mais je préfères attendre sur place afin de voir quels autres jeux pourraient intéresser les gens. J'aimerais éviter de voir des joueurs partir au beau milieu d'une partie, comme fut le cas durant la partie de MARE NOSTRUM vendredi dernier...



John, j'essayais de voir quel genre de jeux tu préfères, mais ton profile sur BGG n'aide vraiment pas... Sur 95 cotes, tu en as 50 (soit 52.6%!) qui ont été cotés entre 9.5 à 10 !! Hmmm, ça expliquerai pourquoi tu aimes MUIPICINUM... :pense:P

Je suit curieux à savoir quel commentaire religieux Bruno Faidutti a fait pour t'offenser? (PS: I detest remarks like the ones made by Bruno Faidutti on his webpage regarding religion.)

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If you want to read what Bruno said regariding religion then google it or follow the link that was provided on my BBG page.


Regarding my likes and dilikes of games there is a self explanatory legend on my BGG page. Here it is again...


I rate games according to this scale:

10: Outstanding game. My favorites.

9: Excellent game. A must have in my collection. Play anytime.

8: Very good game. High on my request/recommend list.

7: Good game. Usually willing to play.

6: OK game. Some fun or challenge. Enjoyable in the right circumstance.

5: Average game. I'm indifferent, but may be willing to play.

4: Below average game. I avoid playing and would need to be persuaded.

3: Poor game. Will strongly resist playing.

2: Very poor game. I refuse to play this.

1: Dead game. Negative entertainment value. Black Hole of Fun.


Since I play test most games before I buy them, I avoid filling my shelves up with dead weight. I also try to have a few games my family and close friends enjoy. Playing games others like to play is extremly important to me because I believe in making others happy before myself. Just playing games that I enjoy would be a bit selfish. I appreciate you taking time to read my BBG page to discern my game preferences. If your that confused about my likes after looking at my BGG page then just discuss it with me next week at JT's. It would be a pleasure to depict my game preferences to you in person.


Have nice weekend!

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Invité Denis
Je suit curieux à savoir quel commentaire religieux Bruno Faidutti a fait pour t'offenser? (PS: I detest remarks like the ones made by Bruno Faidutti on his webpage regarding religion.)

If you want to read what Bruno said regariding religion then google it or follow the link that was provided on my BBG page.

Comme je suis assez "fort" sur le table talk (de tout genre) durant une partie, j'essayais de comprendre ce qu'il aurait pu dire pour t'offenser, afin d'éviter de faire la même chose moi même... Or donc, le seul commentaire "religieux" que j'ai pu trouvé sur le lien que tu donnes est le suivant:


"En temps normal, je suis un gentil social démocrate. À chaque pleine lune, je fais une crise de lucidité et de colère et je me change en marxiste orthodoxe."


D'après l'image, Bruno semble être en mode "Pleine lune" tout le temps, et comme j'avais trouvé ça plutôt comique (ça viens de Bruno tout de même), j'essayais de voir ce qu'il y avait d'offensant, c'est tout.


If your that confused about my likes after looking at my BGG page then just discuss it with me next week at JT's. It would be a pleasure to depict my game preferences to you in person.

Huh, d'après ta réplique, je crois que je vais laissé tombé. Désolé de t'avoir emmerdé... :huh:

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It appears that Bruno Faidutti deleted his detestable and vulgar remarks regarding religion from his website. A Unicorn must have whispered in in ear... Bravo Bruno! I sent you an email of what he posted since I believe his remarks are just to vulgar to paste on this site.


Maybe something is being lost in the translation but nothing you said annoyed me. Quite the contrary.


I like the games I like for the reasons I gave above. Perhaps my BGG page is not explicit enough, since an avid gamer like yourself is unable to discern my gaming preferences by reading it. That concerns me, since I spend a lot of time updating my BGG page and my perception was that it was pretty clear. When someone of your calibre is unable to figure out what my game preferences are it makes me wonder where I have gone wrong? You didn't really tell me why you couldn't figure out my gaming preferences and I was looking forward to you explaining it to me next week. Give me your recommendations next week at Jt's how to improve my BGG page or send me a personal email.


Have a great weekend




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Invité Denis

Je suis heureux d'entendre que je t'ai pas emmerdé. Tu semblais être en beau joual vert... ;)


...since an avid gamer like yourself is unable to discern my gaming preferences by reading it. That concerns me, since I spend a lot of time updating my BGG page and my perception was that it was pretty clear. When someone of your calibre is unable to figure out what my game preferences are it makes me wonder where I have gone wrong? You didn't really tell me why you couldn't figure out my gaming preferences

C'est que tu as coté 95 jeux, et 85% de ceux-ci sont coté 8 et plus (57 sont coté 9.5 à 10). J'en conclu que tu aimes pratiquement tout les jeux, donc assez difficile de décerner un type en particulier.


Chose certaine, tu n'aimes pas SENJI. ;)


Et pas de cote sur Mini-Opium... Je vois que Toynan lui a donné un 6.5, Adam un 6, Alien et moi sommes au bas de la liste avec un 5 et un 2.



I was looking forward to you explaining it to me next week. Give me your recommendations next week at Jt's how to improve my BGG page or send me a personal email.

Chaque personne fait ça à sa manière, il n'y a pas "une" bonne/meilleure façon.


Dans mon cas, je choisi un jeu, que je considère LE meilleur parmi ceux que j'ai joué, je lui décerne un 9.5 ou un 10, et les autres y sont comparé. La moyenne se trouve autour de 5.5 à 6 je crois. Je vais ré-évaluer mes cotes sous peu, afin d'avoir une comparaison pour les jeux euro, et une autre pour les jeux historiques (afin de pas comparé des pommes avec des oranges). ;)

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Ahh! I feel like beautiful Calvary too! :laughingdude Mirror :dancingex


I like a variety of games and I am glad you have concluded that. If your wondering what games you own that I would like to play let me help you by giving you my preferences: Roads and boats; Indonesia; and Antiquity to name a few.


Further, I especially like trying new games that I am interested in buying. I am capping my game collection at 100 games so that I have enough variety to select from when I hold a games day at my home. My goal is own 100 games I rate 8 or above. Why? Because, as long as I have opportunities to play games in other people collections I have no reason to own more. I currently have 96 games in my collection and I am looking at acquiring 4 more. Games that I am cosidering are:


Roads and boats




Memmoir 44

Hollywood Blockbusters

War of the Ring

Here I Stand

Fury of Dracula

Knights of Camelot



Those games in my collection that are rated 7 or lower I will trade for games I rate 9 and above. Currently I own eight games with a rating of 7 or lower.


The one exception to my 100 game cap is to own all Martin Wallace games because he is my favorite game designer. This will be a separate collection on its own.


My all time favorite game is Tigris & Euphratis followed closely by El Grande. All my game comments on BGG list my favorites. I am very easy going and usually open to play most any game unless it is Sengii-like. Hence, the reason why I do not own the classic Diplomacy.


Cheers John

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Invité Denis
Tu semblais être en beau joual vert... ;)

Ahh! I feel like beautiful Calvary too! :laughingdude Mirror :dancingex

John, the above does not mean that I thought you were in a "nice green horse" mood :laughingdude


Roads and boats



Merci pour les éclaircissements, ainsi que pour la liste de jeux que tu aimerais essayer. Je vois que ta priorité semble être les Splotter. Je vais voir ce que je peut faire pour toi. ;)

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