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Dans le survey que j'ai rempli il n'en parlait pas pour Cavern tavern. Par contre pour Viking gone wild oui on choisissait la langue.

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Moi je lit que le livre de règle se trouverais dans plusieurs langue alors pour ça que j'ai présumé que le jeux pouvais se faire en français.


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  • 2 months later...

Sep 14 2016
Prototype inspected and production is a go


Just a quick update on how are things progressing.


Since we last spoke 2 weeks ago, we mentioned that the prototype (the pre-production copy) is on the way.

We received it about a week ago and we examined, dissected and played a few games of Cavern Tavern, and we have to tell you, the manufacturer BangWee games, has done an amazing job. We can't wait to deliver the final product, which will be in much better quality then the prototype we have right now.

Here are some photos.











I know that a lot of you were hoping for the insert to accommodate sleeved cards, but we had long discussions within the team and with the manufacturer, and unfortunately the insert won't be able to fit the sleeved cards. There are a lot of components in the game, especially cards and the truth is that there is no space. The top box couldn't be closed with sleeved cards. We knew that this could be a problem with all the stretch goals that we unlocked (especially the cards), but to be frank, we all got the better deal. More cards equal more replayability and better gameplay. The trade is very much worth it. :)

Mass production

As we've said, we are extremely satisfied with the quality of the prototype. We've approved the sample and gave the go ahead to the manufacturer.

We've also paid 50% of the invoice and mass production of Cavern Tavern is starting this week!

The manufacturing process of the game, along with the add-ons would take around 35 days and we are glad to tell you that everything is on schedule and we are even a little ahead of schedule.

The fulfillment companies are being contacted and are in discussion with the manufacturer so the games can be loaded on the ships immediately after production.


Most of you have filled out the survey but we are coming close to the time when we have to close the surveys and deliver your shipping info to our fulfillment partners.

The survey will be closed one month from now on October 15th so please fill the surveys by then.


The Indiegogo page for ordering add-ons is still online, and will be online indefinitely because we ordered extra copies of the products, but bare in mind that the quantities are limited. Once we ran out from some of the add-ons we'll have to close the pre-ordering. So if you are still on the fence about some of the add-ons, check out the page here.

That will be all for now. The next update will be few days before we have to close the surveys to give you another reminder. But if there is a need for another update in the meantime we'll sure inform you of everything as it happens.

Have a nice day and happy birthday to those celebrating today :)



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  • 1 month later...

Nov 11 2016
Shipping update

We are few days late with the planned update, but it was all with good reason.

We wanted to give you the latest update on the shipping of the games.

The games are being divided in 4 shipments, Asia, Australia, UK and USA.


The games for the Asian backers will be delivered by our manufacturer and we’ll inform you when we’ll start delivering.


The Australian shipment was sent by plane to our fulfillment partners and they informed us this morning that the games have arrived at their warehouse.

But, we won’t start delivering the games immediately, we are going with a worldwide release, meaning we are going to wait all games to reach their destinations first and then start delivering them to you.


The boat for UK was loaded a week ago and today the boat has left the port and is headed for Southampton.

The name of the ship is HYUNDAI TOGETHER.

This is what our agent told us.

The ship is scheduled to arrive in Southampton on December 6th.

Then it would take around 5 days for the games to be unloaded and delivered to GamesQuest, our fulfillment partners in the UK.

Note: GamesQuest from UK, will be fulfilling the games for backers in Europe, Canada, South America and Africa.


This is the main reason why we postponed the update for a few days.

The games were loaded on October 31st, with a scheduled departure shortly after that.

But, a week ago the ship was held on customs in Malaysia.

This is what our agent told us.

Shipment caught cut-off and is pending export customs release overseas. We are on schedule once released.


Customs officer inspecting Nasty's goods

The name of the ship is YM UNIFORM.

We are closely monitoring the situation and in constant communication with our agent. We expect to be released soon and to continue its voyage to the United States.

The transit time is 30-33 days to New York, and then 5-7 days of unloading time.

If the ship is cleared in the next few days, it should arrive at the fulfillment center in New Jersey around the week from 12th December and start with delivery immediately.

Luckily, when we were making the estimation for delivery of the project we considered situations like this, situations that are out of our control, and even with this hold up, we are right on time for January delivery.

In any case, we’ll monitor the situation with the US shipment, and inform you the minute the boat is released from customs.

Hopefully it will be very soon and we’ll stay on schedule. We got few more days of wiggle room. :)

That will be all for the moment, hopefully you’ll be hearing again from us very soon with the latest info of the US boat.

To continue the tradition, happy birthday to all celebrating today. :)



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  • 1 month later...

Des bonnes nouvelles !!! On devrait bientôt les jeux !!!!!!!!!

Update #24

Dec 15 2016
Shipping update + Things to come


This is the update that we’ve all been waiting for. Delivery of the games is starting today, Thursday, 15 December 2016.

Things you need to know:

Our fulfillment partners we’ll be sending you emails when it’s time to send the game to your address with all the necessary info. The add-ons (those of you who ordered) will be in the same package as the game.

You’ll be starting to receive this emails today. Please be aware, that not all of you will receive this email today. Cavern Tavern was a fairly big campaign and there a lot of games that need to be delivered, so we will ask for your patience.

Also, we would like to inform you that not all of you will receive the game at the same day. So if you start seeing pictures of the game and you haven’t received it, please be patient, your game will arrive. It’s a big world and some regions might take a bit longer to deliver the game. The important thing is that we are 1 month early from the promised delivery date and we hope that most of you will receive the game before Christmas.

Kickstarter exclusives: There were 3 Kickstarter exclusive components: The custom dice, 5 Order cards, and 5 Secret Tasks. The cards are added in their respective decks.

Damaged boxes: If you receive a game that is in bad condition, please take a photo and write us on our email: contact [at]

Missing pieces: Again, these things happen, and there is a possibility that a couple of games might miss some component. Write us on our email and we’ll ship the components immediately.

Other questions: If you have any other questions, about the delivery process, the game in general or anything else, write us on our email, we’ll be here for you to answer anything the best way we can.

Other languages: As we promised, the rules of the game will be available on other languages. Spanish, Chinese, Dutch rules are online and you can download them right now. The French, Italian and German will be online in a few days. Here is the link to the rules.

Few things

We want to emphasize few things in this opportunity. We are doing our best in this campaign to be as open and fair to you. We think we’ve done our best to answer your questions in a timely manner, take your suggestions under consideration and give a serious thought on all of them. And to tell you the truth we enjoyed every single aspect of this campaign. We just wanted to say this before the most stressful chapter of this project starts. :)

Also, every decision that we made, was based on what we thought was best at the moment and this project in general. We feel that most of this decision were good and was in best interest to the game and for the backers. There were decisions that were questionable (like the last one, to wait all the games to arrive at their warehouses and then start delivery) and we admit that it was not the best, but at the moment we thought it was the right decision.

All we ask is that if you judge us, judge us for the overall campaign. :)

Things to come

Now that that is out of the way, we would like to talk a bit about the future. And the future of Final Frontier Games and The Five Realms, thanks to you, is bright. :)

This is a WIP on the box cover of the next chapter in The Five Realms.


As you can see, The Mico is working hard on the illustration and we got to admit, it will look gorgeous. If you want to hear more about the game, join the group about The Five Realms where we’ll start to discuss about the game pretty soon.

For now, we will introduce to you Berk the town clerk.


You know that we love our NPC characters, Nasty the Dwarf was pretty important guy in Cavern Tavern, and here, it will be Berk the Clerk.

In the end, we would like to ask you for 2 things.

1. When you receive the game, and get the chance to play it, please leave us a rating on BGG because it will help us tremendously in reaching the retail stores.

2. At the moment there is a BGG list for most anticipated game of the year. If you can give us a thumb up it will be much appreciated.

Thank you! We can’t wait to hear your thoughts about the game.

Happy holidays everybody!


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Nonn pas encore. Par contre j'ai reçu un courriel hier disant que DHL s'occupaient de la livraison et que je devrais le recevoir d'ici quelques jours mais ils n'ont pas mis le tracking number. J'attends une réponse de leur part.

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J'ai reçu deux boîtes de DHL, hier.

Par contre, j'ai dû payer 25 $ de dédouanement ?

Il y en a une question j'ai l'impression que c'est le baril ?

L'autre, aucune idée de quel jeu il s'agit.

J'ai décidé d'attendre Noël pour les ouvrir, tout cas je vais essayer lol

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DHL est passé hier pendant que j'étais à l'épicerie. Le pire c'est qu'avant de partir j'ai vérifié en ligne pour savoir si une livraison était prévue pour hier et aucune info. Disons que j'étais assez en maudit.

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DHL est passé hier pendant que j'étais à l'épicerie. Le pire c'est qu'avant de partir j'ai vérifié en ligne pour savoir si une livraison était prévue pour hier et aucune info. Disons que j'étais assez en maudit.


Ils vont repasser ?

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