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Surtout que c'est un gars qui respecte beaucoup ses clients. C'est même pour cela que je l'avait kickstarter sans même avoir lu sur le jeu, je lui fais totalement confiance. Certes, il aurait pu te demander de payer tout de suite pour vraiment démontrer que ce n'est pas juste pour avoir des copies moins cher juste avant la sortie. Car au moins en payant tout de suite on saura bel et bien que oui....

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voici sont dernier message:


Just remind me, and I will do my best to take care of you at that time.

Also remind me of these conversations.

It is just too far away from delivery right now to commit to anything for

anybody other than exactly as they have pledged for.





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  • 3 weeks later...

voici ce que j'ai reçu aujourd'hui....


Marcuspolus, as-tu eu des nouvelles de ton coté?

Michael Mindes
Monday Apr 8 2013, 5:15pm EDT
Yes, I believe that I was in contact with him about this and it is being
resolved. Please confirm with him.





Eric Saumier
Thursday Mar 28 2013, 12:31am EDT

Hello Mr. Mindes

I have learned the sad news that a friend of mine ( Marc Gauthier ) who was supposed to pledge for me and others in our area ( the International Combo pack ) experienced problems with the servers and the 100$ shipping tier didn't register properly. He ( we ) are now stucked with the one copy only pledge...


Would you be kind enough to modify his pledge so we can all enjoy your wonderful game?

We can send the rest of the payment through amazon or paypal to your kickstarter or personal account if need be.


congratulation again on your success

- Eric Saumier


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Non, la dernière communication je l'ai poster au mois de mars. Voici toutes les communications.


Michael Mindes
Friday Mar 22 2013, 12:53am EDT


Just remind me, and I will do my best to take care of you at that time.
Also remind me of these conversations.

It is just too far away from delivery right now to commit to anything for
anybody other than exactly as they have pledged for.


  • fb_profile_picture.thumb.jpg?1364818886
    marc gauthier
    Thursday Mar 21 2013, 8:20pm EDT


    Sorry again. I can live with this...just to make sure, if you can't find any trace of me uping my pledge to 100$, in July is it guaranted that i will be able to get the game(6 copies) and rewards for 23$ or less?

    again super sorry to bug you.


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    Michael Mindes
    Thursday Mar 21 2013, 7:21pm EDT


    If you pledged $100 inside of the Kickstarter project, then I will send you the 6 games.

    If not, then this needs to be taken care of at a date much closer to the actual shipping of the game, like in July.


  • fb_profile_picture.thumb.jpg?1364818886
    marc gauthier
    Thursday Mar 21 2013, 6:40pm EDT

    Hi Michael

    I realise that you are probably overwhelm by pledges, questions and other annoying people like me(probably less), but do you think that i will be able to have the 6 games for 100$?
    I have 5 people that are depending on this.

    At the very least...can you confirm that i could get 5 extra(6 total) game for for 23$ each? It would remove a lot of stress for me. I can pay you anyway you want, paypal, credit card, amazon invoice, whatever works for you

    Thanks in advance

    PS sorry to be pushy, this is my first time pledging for my group and i !^#! it up!!!

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    Michael Mindes
    Wednesday Mar 20 2013, 4:21pm EDT


    I will sort out the pledge changes once I am looking at that in more
    detail. It will be obvious what you wanted and I will confirm that I
    should send you what it looks like you wanted.



  • fb_profile_picture.thumb.jpg?1364818886
    marc gauthier
    Wednesday Mar 20 2013, 3:44pm EDT

    Hi Me again

    I just realize that i never receive a confirmation email from amazon about uping my pledge, i must not off validated it or something...

    i"m going to disapointe 5(4 i will probably give mine away to one guy). I really hope i can up my payment. let me know if thiers anyway i can fix this?

    Thanks....really hoping (crossing fingers)


  • fb_profile_picture.thumb.jpg?1364818886
    marc gauthier
    Wednesday Mar 20 2013, 3:34pm EDT


    I add change my pledge to 100$ for 6 copies, now it looks like the changes didn't take effect. I bought 6 for 5 friends, is their a way i can change my pledge to 100$. I don't understand why the changes didn't take effect????



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  • 3 months later...

ouin, on viens de recevoir le couriel pour le shipping et le survey, pis dans le survey il dit "

  • Can I add more copies to my pledge? Answer: No, to be able to deliver all of these we need to keep this as simple as possible.



ca regarde mal. Je lui ai envoyé le couriel comme il avait demander, j'attend sa réponse.


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