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Information sur X-Wing: GR-75 transport et Corvette Tantive IV


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Both the Tantive IV and the GR-75 come with two bases, one large ship token that spans the bases, and a new maneuver template that better reflects the way these huge ships fly through space. The result is that these starships surge forward, drift, and yaw in a way that truly feels like they’re carrying their momentum forward through space and across your table. They’re certainly not as nimble as TIE fighters, but any TIE pilots who fail to get out of their way are immediately destroyed by the collision!

These ships’ two bases aren’t just for show, either. Each ship is divided into fore and aft sections and comes with two damage decks, one for each section of the ship. The effects of damage upon the fore of your GR-75 aren’t the same as the effects of damage upon its aft, and dividing the ship into two sections ensures that you’ll enjoy all-new tactical considerations and play experiences.


Un scan d'un côté de boîte?



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Invité GomJabbar

Pas certain j'embarque dans ces huge vaisseaux...


Quand C'est rendu que t'as besoin de louer la salle communautaire pour jouer...ça commence à être louche.

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Pas certain j'embarque dans ces huge vaisseaux...


Quand C'est rendu que t'as besoin de louer la salle communautaire pour jouer...ça commence à être louche.


Attends qu'ils sortent les plus gros...

(Star Wars en haut à gauche)


on devrait être bons pour jouer dans la rue :)


on se cotise pour le super star destroyer?

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