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Chimera Station is a game for 2-4 Players, playing in 60-90 minutes.

We have just Five Rounds to build this Space Station, which would be nigh impossible if we were using just regular alien workers. Thankfully we have extra tools at our disposal: brains, tentacles, claws, and leaves.
Each round is made up of three phases:

  • A Placement phase, where we assign workers to various tasks or prep them for splicing,
  • Followed by a Splicing Phase, where prepped workers are upgraded with new genetic components and then sent to fulfill one of the leftover tasks available.
  • Finally we reward our workers with sustenance in the Feeding Phase.

So how is splicing going to make the work easier? For that I'll turn it over to an expert splicer...

Seems simple enough, right? With each worker limited to two genetic components it won't get TOO complicated... that's only like, 1 + 4 + ... um... well it's a lot of options, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

If you want to read the manual (does anybody do that anymore?), you can find it here.

In the Deluxified Chimera Station you will receive:
Here is a close up look at the Metal Coins for the Deluxe edition:

Preview / Gameplay / Review:

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