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No Honor Among Thieves: Daring Heists and Sudden Betrayal

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No Honor Among Thieves is a competitive/cooperative game for three to five (or six, with some adjustments) players in which each player assembles a crew of thieves and sets out to see who can steal the most wealth from the rich and powerful of a fantasy city. Working alone is difficult, but working together leaves you open to treachery by your so-called allies--or gives you the chance to betray them, and take it all for yourself. An unspoken code of honor exists among the thieves of this city, but that won’t last past the first betrayal, and once that uneasy trust is gone the game becomes more dangerous as players tap into abilities that they couldn't use while the thieves' code of honor was still intact.

Assemble your crew.

Make your plans.

Take it all.

Players: 3-6

Time: 90-120 minutes

Recommended Age: 13+



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  • 2 weeks later...

Le jeu est "funded", le premier stretch goal est atteint et le créateur a rajouté un petit bundle optionel de goodies.

Si certains d'entre vous étaient incertains, la campagne devrait atteindre facilement 4 à 10 autres stretch goals puisque le créateur n'a pas été trop gourmand sur l'espacement.

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Donc il y a t-il d'autres volontaire pour un petit groupe de 4 à MTL/Rive-Nord moins de 11h restant!

Simon tu l'as déjà pledgé?


Oui désolé je n'avais pas vu ton post. Mon pledge avait déjà été fait.

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