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KS - End of the Trail - Find fortune in the California Gold Rush

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À propos du projet

Press your luck on the gold fields of California and bluff your way to victory!

End of the Trail by Elf Creek Games is a strategic hand management and exploration game for 2 to 4 players that plays in 20 to 40 minutes.



a69ea6cb84bcf2e4306d77a19d312ed1_originaEnd of the Trail, beginning of the 3rd and final round of play.


In End of the Trail, you are a prospector who has come to California to strike it rich during the gold rush of the 1840’s and 1850’s. Over the course of three rounds, you will be using cards to prospect the land and stake your claim to the best gold fields. But before you do, head to auction to secure your transportation to the gold fields and stack your hand for the future. In the end, players compare cards for their poker sets in an effort to win a little more gold and a fourth and final claim.






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