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La lumière au bout de la Tinner's trail

Jon Snow

Messages recommandés

Je devais partager ma joie avec vous. Après avoir pré-commander Tinner's Trail chez JKLM Games en janvier, voici que je viens de recevoir ce beau message:


"I am happy to report that we are expecting to start collation of Tinners'

Trail in the next couple of days. As soon as the first copies are collated,

we can start sending them out. We will send a second e-mail as soon as they

have all been sent, to inform you as to when you should expect to receive

your copy.


Tinners' Trail is available in six languages: English, French, German,

Spanish, Italian and Dutch. Your copy will be in English.

If you would like a different language, then please let us know a.s.a.p.


Once the copies are sent, the delivery times should be no more than:


UK: 3 days.

Europe: 1 week.

Rest of the World: 8 weeks.


Thank you for preordering the game, and happy mining,


David Norman.

JKLM Games Ltd."


Il y a de l'espoir...

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