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Disponibilité de Dungeon Lords


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Directement du publisher sur bgg


Some notes:


1) Farmers was done much earlier than Dungeon Lords and they were not done at the same printer, hence why Farmers is shipping to distributors this week and DL is not.


2) We were lucky to get some advanced copies for Essen and BGG.con but at Essen I was told that the main shipment was not going to arrive until Dec 15 - in port (which means another few days to a week to the warehouse!).


3) A printing mishap with the rulebooks delayed it another few days and I'm told it will hit port on the 19th.


4) European distribution will not be affected in that my European fulfillment partner will be taking the game direct from the printer this week (or maybe next week). So I expect it to be in European stores by mid-December if not sooner.


5) FYI, I know I will not be able to fill distributor orders with this first wave of DL coming in: I tried really hard to bump up the print run but it could not be done. So a second print run will be forthcoming around end of January or early Feb.


Zev Shlasinger, President

Z-Man Games, Inc.


Alors pas de dungeon lords pour noel c'est certain!

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