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Zendor est clairvoyant !


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Désolé, c'est en anglais, extrait de BGG:



• Doggie Doo, aka Kackel Dackel, received the "Game of the Year" award from the British Toy & Hobby Association at the start of the British International Toy Fair in late January 2012. This press release states the award was based on "sales success", but I'd like to think that the members of the BTHA each individually thought they were being funny by voting for Doggie Doo only to later discover that they had collectively celebrated a game in which you collect dog feces. Brilliant!

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Le Graaaaand Zendoooooor! aura son kiosque au JAB afin de prédire votre avenir. :D


Oublis la pub... Quand ils vont voir de quoi à l'air le Grand Zendor, ils vont fuir!!!

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Désolé, c'est en anglais, extrait de BGG:



• Doggie Doo, aka Kackel Dackel, received the "Game of the Year" award from the British Toy & Hobby Association at the start of the British International Toy Fair in late January 2012. This press release states the award was based on "sales success", but I'd like to think that the members of the BTHA each individually thought they were being funny by voting for Doggie Doo only to later discover that they had collectively celebrated a game in which you collect dog feces. Brilliant!



Durant les premières secondes à la vue du titre de ce sujet, je me suis plutôt dit que c'était relié à Eclipse : jeu que j'avais clamé sans hésiter comme étant LA nouveauté d'Essen 2011 sitôt le salon terminé en octobre dernier et qui, depuis un mois, dépasse maintenant les Dominion, Caylus et 7 Wonders sur boardgamegeek pour finalement se loger dans le top 10...

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