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Invité Wildhorn

Allez, allez Wildhorn ne prend pas ça comme ça :D




C'est mieux? :)


Je suis en train d’écrire une critique pour Terra Mystica avec une portion Stratégie, en espérant que cela aide les futurs joueur a améliorer leurs scoring. Parce que bien que j'aille l'air du gars trop élitiste, c'est vrai que un score de base est autour de 80 (selon la race) + 0 a 50 points (selon le scoring final).

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Rapport de la partie de lundi de Space Alert, C'est un rapport officiel de la l'anglais :pense

Le rapport est l'oeuvre d'un des Bélanger dans l'équipage :nosefinger (merci JP)


This isn't goint to be a good day, he thought as he raced out of his cabin. The alarm was blaring. Not his normal alarm clock, but the general alarm on the station.. He was running up up to the bridge in his pyjamas.
"What seems to be the problem Sub-Lieutenant Turmel?", the Captain asked.
"Asteroid coming right as us sir," Turmel answered.
"Any reports of rogue asteroids in the quadrant ?," he asked.
"None sir," Turmel replied.
That was strange. They'd gotten pretty good at spotting them.
"Ok, Turmel, go to the lower deck, section blue and man the guns, " ordered the Captain. "Super-Leftenant Belanger, man the big guns. Blow this rock out of the sky. I'll make sure the computers stay up. Everybody else, man your posts: I have a bad feeling about this.", he'd ordered.
"Yes, Captain Chabot," everybody answered.
He was happy: he liked it when things ran like a well-oiled machine.

"Dammit", he thought. He was sure there should have been three rods in storage
- Has anyone used any of the energy rods to recharge that system ?, he asked.
The "No, Captains" started tumbling down the comm system. Shit, we must have been screwed by the refuelling team. He hoped he wasn't going to be short on power later on. But now, he needed to power the station. So he pushed one of the rods into the fusion chamber, and let the reactor do its work.

The energy problem solved, he went to the elevator, to return to the bridge.
"Capn't, something's is up: a shielded ship is coming up fast from blue quadr...."
SL Belanger voice turned into a hiss. "Damn communications system is down again," he thought.
"What the hell is going on", he yelled, hoping somebody would hear him.
"...blow it up", Super-Leftenant Belanger finished as the comms came back up.
"Repeat that, the comms broke down," the captain asked.
"There's a weird fully shielded ship coming up on Blue sector: out of general principle, I'm going to blow it up", repeated SL Belanger.
"What the hell ? Are we under attack ?," asked the Captain.
"Well if we aren't, then the crystoship coming up on red sector with guns firing has some explaining to do," interrupted Leftenant-Colonel Barnaby. "I'm going to be needing some power from below....."
The captain was about to respond with a cool "on my way", when Under-Leftenant-Colonel Belanger responded with an even cooler "on my way". Ambitious prick.
"I was going to take the fembots for a bit of exercise anyway....", he added. They aren't fembots, thought the Captain. Perverted, ambitious prick.

All hell broke loose. Every gun on the ship seemed to be firing. He could hear the calls from the guys manning the guns asking for more power. He fed the last rod into the reactor, hoping it would be enough. Barnaby screamed "Kablouie!" to nobody in particular. That was one down. The thought hadn't even registered yet when SL Belanger's cry of victory came through the radio. Good, he thought: everybody's alive, the station is in one piece, all in a good day's work.

"Someone reboot the computer before it shuts down life support or something," the Captain reminded the crew.

"Gaaaah! Enemy on board the ship! Enemy on board the ship! They must have transported when I blew their transport out of the sky!," yelled SL Belanger.
"Get the robots! get the robots !,"ordered the captain, no longer as cooly as he should have.
"I don't have the key to the robots," answered SL Belanger.
"Who has it ?," asked the captain, answering his own question before anybody had the chance. "Dammit, you freaking pervert! Get to blue section right now or you'll be private second class before day's end !"
"Yes, sir", answered ULC Belanger.
"Enemy ship! A big one! Coming up on white sector! I'm going to fire the big guns at it, but I'm going to be needing some help again!", announced SL Belanger
Why on a Thursday, thought the captain. He had been looking forward to his weekend. "Turmel, give him a hand," he ordered.
"Yes, sir," came the reply. "Can I fire some rockets? I'd really like to fire some rockets".
"Yes. Fire whatever the hell we need!," the captain answered, the stress coming through his voice.

Then it really started: like a mix between the 1812 Ouverture if Napoleon had brought laser canons, and the Ride of the Valkyries being played by six symphonic orchestras. The captain liked that analogy so much he found himself humming both tunes. So many rocket were fired, he had lost count, and they couldn't possibly have all hit their target. The energy was running dangerously low, but he didn't care: if they were going to go out, this is how they were going to go.

Then he felt it: something must have blown up, and he hoped is was not his station. a few seconds passed until he felt safe again. He felt he was forgetting something though.

"What are these armed guys doing here, captain? ", asked Turmel.

Oh, shit. "ULC Belanger? Where are you with the damned robots", he asked in a panic. SL Turmel couldn't possibly fight the soldiers. The only thing he knew how to do was press buttons.

"Well, hum, the situation, is, hum….the fembots seem to be stuck in a loop….", answered ULC Belanger.
"Get out of there Turmel," he yelled in to the comms. "Get out of there now!"

There was an explosion, this one clearly coming from inside the base. The captain rushed to the window, only to see Turmel's body float by, along with the enemy soldiers.


The crew sat silently around the dinner table.
"He was a good guy, you know.", said ULC Belanger. "You could really count on him, to you know, press buttons. At the end there, he was firing guns AND firing rockets."

"Yeah, he was", said the captain. "Come on guys, to bed. Tomorrow we have to rebuild blue sector again, so we'll need the rest."

There was silence. "You know, captain, " said Barnaby, "Turmel probably suck that extra enegy at the beginning of the battle. He'd done it before."
"Yeah, " said the captain, "he was sort of a screw up. But you know, to err is human….and of all the souls who have served on this station, his was certainly the most…human".

The crew got up and left, hoping for a better day tomorrow.


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Chez LDP


Myrmes: 4 objectifs réussis me mène à la victoire

Village: Catherine gagne dans une belle partie rapide et serrée où je fini dernier.

Cinque Terre: Victoire à ma première partie. Un jeu ok mais ne réinvente rien.

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hier soir:


keyflower: une première partie pour moi, j'ai bien aimé et j'ai gagné ! belle rejouabilité et juste parfait au niveau de la réflexion, pas un over de brainburner....


The adventurers : Le temple de Chac (nouvelle édition): 4 joueurs, un seul gagnant avec peu de trésor, les 3 autres étaient un peu trop avide....

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Sphinx, on te l'avait dit que c'est excellent Keyflower :)


Ce midi, pendant qu'on mange : Augustus. Le jeu a été approuvé et accepté à l'unanimité par les conseil de famille. Peut-être pas le jeu pour les joueurs ou joueurs lourds, mais très bon pour les joueurs occasionnels ou la clientèle familale. Meilleur feeling qu'à ma première partie. Ça devrait sortir souvent. Bien heureux de l'achat. Avec tous les icônes déjà présents sur les cartes, on voit bien que des extensions sont déjà prévues.

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Hier soir chez moi, à Boucherville, neuf joueurs présents. On se sépare donc en deux tables.


Table 1:

The City (Najoue, Stuft, Jorioux, M.Clou, Montcalm)


Skull and Roses (Najoue, Stuft, Jorioux, M.Clou, Montcalm)


Les piliers de la terre +l'extension (M.Clou, Montcalm, Najoue, Alphagor, Aranas). Première partie pour Alphagor et moi. Je l'ai beaucoup plus apprécié que Un monde sans fin. Je termine à égalité en tête avec M.Clou mais il l'emporte sur le "briseur de cravate" (tie braker).


Table 2:

Can't Stop! (Alphagor, MA/Max, SlashX, Aranas). Première partie pour moi. RichardTempura, tiens-toi loi de ce filler. C'est un push your luck... :-)


Escape (Alphagor, MA/Max, SlashX, Aranas). Toujours aussi fou, rapide, amusant. Démarre bien la soirée.


2x Dominion (Stuft, Jorioux, MA/Max, SlashX). Allez Stuft, profites-en pour jouer à ce jeu que ton père n'aime pas! Hahaha!


Très agréable soirée!

Merci la gang!



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Ce soir j'essai Police City, demain possiblement Gangs city et éventuellement je combinerai les 2 jeux pour essayer ce que ça donne comme jeu combiné..... assez particulier comme principe, j'ai hâte de voir qu'est ce que ça donnera... la suite très bientôt

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The adventurers : Le temple de Chac (nouvelle édition):

Est-ce qu'il y a des changements dans cette nouvelle édition?


La valeur des trésors ont été réajuster pour augmenter la valeur de certains endroits comme le pont aussi la valeur di gros trésor a augmenté il est maintenant a 9 au lieu de 6. y'a ptet d'autres choses, mais c'est en tout cas ce que j'ai lu la dessus.

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The adventurers : Le temple de Chac (nouvelle édition):

Est-ce qu'il y a des changements dans cette nouvelle édition?


La valeur des trésors ont été réajuster pour augmenter la valeur de certains endroits comme le pont aussi la valeur di gros trésor a augmenté il est maintenant a 9 au lieu de 6. y'a ptet d'autres choses, mais c'est en tout cas ce que j'ai lu la dessus.



N'ayant jamais joué à la version initiale, j'ai lu la même chose que JF à ce sujet... figurines rescultées...(pourquoi je l'ignore) et ajustement afin que les joueurs tente leur chance sur le pont au lieu de la rivière... Sinon j'aime bien mais vraiment plus intéressant à 5-6 joueurs qu'à 2-3-4.


est-ce que le second volet (Horus) est plus intéressant??

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Moi je préfère Horus. Le style est un peu différent ; Horus étant vraiment sous le principe de stop ou encore. Il est également plus ouvert : tu peux te promener partout, revenir, retourner et décider quand tu sors de la pyramide... avant qu'il ne soit trop tard!

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